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These types of patriarchal conventions in age in which Sidwa was writing leads different critics to take their dissimilar positions concerning the gender representation in her art (Hastings, 2008). This blurring of normative of gender binarism which is social and cultural constructs it makes gender as fluid subject to their actions and performances. The gender representation of focused characters in Sidhwa’s novel struggles to break that gender-matrix. Sidhwa like most of other diaspora female English writers, her works yield and highlight issues, brawls and conflicts of gender in Pakistani patriarchal society particularly at the time of the partition of the subcontinent. All of her four novels Cracking India, The Crow Eaters, The Pakistani Bride and American Brat may present a different approach of gender but here the focus of the present paper is to investigate and interrogate gender binaries in the selected novel. Interrogation of Gender INTERROGATION OF GENDER BINARIES IN SIDHWA’S ICECANDY MAN FROM BUTLERIAN PERSPECTIVE Shakeel ur Rehman1 & Asim Karim2 1PhD Scholar, Imperial College of Business Studies, Imperial University, Lahore 2University of Central Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan ABSTRACT The study aims at consideration of gender-delineation in Bapsi Sidhwa’s IceCandy Man in the perspective of Judith Butler’s deconstructive approach of gender-performativity.

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